I have often been asked about an appropriate consumer budget for commemorative photo memorabilia, like albums, coffee-table style photo books, or some wall decor of an enlargement. I suggest setting aside 10% of the cost of the event or trip as a starting point. Of course, this recommendation is only the actual cost for the production of the product, excluding any prep work. However, it's always good to prepare for such events by testing equipment, learning the basics of various photography genres, and experimenting with post-capture techniques to improve the quality of the photos. Once you get your product back, the cost of getting it will be an investment for many years to relive your experiences of such an event. The product themselves will become invaluable or priceless.
I took some pictures with my new zoom lens at the local zoo. While they aren't specifically showstopping, I tried to capture the scene without including identifiable backgrounds from an urban park. As a result, the photos look technically acceptable but missing unique drama or excitement. You cannot catch those when most wildlife animals are asleep during the day. I did set some self-assigned conditions, but I still need more practice to get the right angle and select a better time of day for more appropriate lighting conditions, but overall it was a fun trip. However, visiting a Safari National Park would be much more expensive than a local zoo, so it was time well spent. Please look at these photos only as a stepping stone. It is my experience that should be inspirational. We all need more practice to improve our skills and be honest with ourselves to enhance our photography.